230-Some Odd Tuiles Later . . .
I'm home. Again. Just got in from Walgreens where I purchased a Life & Style magazine (gotta get the details on Angelina and Brad), two Aquafina waters, an orange juice (for in the am), and a cranberry juice (gotta dilute the vodka with something). I'll be doing some "real grocery shopping"-full bottles of juice-tomorrow when I get paid. I worked almost 12 hours today and I didn't get everything done. Red velvets escaped my notice. I'm sorry.
Yesterday I baked 612 red velvet cupcakes, today I cut the tops off of them to level them for frosting. Yesterday I started baking and rolling 209 (or some such number) of chocolate lacy tuiles that I finished baking and rolling this morning. If you don't know what tuiles are, they're really thin cookies that are shaped, by hand, hot from the oven. Ouch, yes. I think I'm earning my asbestos fingers. I made quadruple the recipe cream cheese frosting for the cupcakes. I hefted a hobart mixing bowl that is almost as big as I am about 4 times across the kitchen. I also baked vanilla tuiles today for the line, cookies to replace those I used for an order for tomorrow's boxed lunch. This all on top of the regular production for the line. The only thing I didn't get to are those red velvets for two (photo above, from our website), and cutting the brownies and lemon squares. Two days of work, and my fingertips alternate between numbness and soreness (did that make sense to you?). I also had to plate desserts because the GM was in a pissy mood. He didn't want to plate cookies or scoop ice cream when he had either one or two orders or nothing else to do. I'm sooooo glad I'm off tomorrow and Thursday, though I called chef and told her what I didn't get done and asked if she needed me to come in tomorrow morning (what was I thinking?) to help out. I don't need to. I can sleep in, or do laundry. Or sleep in.
My legs hurt so much. I'm home. I'm sitting down! I'm drinking water.
Oh, all this baking is for the hotel's grand opening on Thursday.
Did I mention that I don't want to see any dessert for the next . . . two days? Well, I don't. I'm off for two days.
Maybe tomorrow I'll be in the mood for chocolate.