Long Time, no Cook?

I have been looking at so many food blogs my mouth is watering and I'm itching to cook something. Only thing is, I'm leaving for Texas tomorrow. I rediscovered this blog and I think I'm ready to keep up with it.

What's been going on with me? I graduated from culinary school with a baking and patisserie degree in May. I'm now working at a restaurant as a pastry chef assistant. I've been there three weeks.

I can't possibly update you on over a year's worth of activities, but I promise that when I return, I'll keep coming back and blogging about my favorite thing. Until then, here's something I posted on another blog of mine.

Internet Food Addiction

I just checked the food blogs I like to read and am tempted to find more. Why? Because I love food. I'm almost obsessed. No, I am obsessed. I love food magazines, don't ask how many I've kept and how many binders I have full of magazine pages. I love pictures of food-food porn. I watch the Food Network like some people watch WWF. I'll watch the line cooks at work and it's a thrill, almost like taking a drug (never done, but from what I hear I make my comparison) and the flash, the sizzle, the heat; the contact high is amazing. I made mac-and-cheese last night, with supervision of course, and that just made my night. So, with all of this culinary stimulation, why is it that my fridge is empty? Well, not exactly empty, I've got a couple of containers of food I brought home from work, condiments, and whatever it was Jerry put in there last night. Oh, can't forget my staple, orange juice, grapefruit soda, water, milk, and eggs. I'm sure if I really, really tried, I'd come up with something to eat, but who has the energy for that?

So, my chef brings me the Martha Stewart (bible) Special Edition Holiday Cookie mag. I'm going to the bookstore to get my copy today. I beat myself up for not getting my hands on it sooner. What is wrong with me? I'd bought Martha's SEHC mag a few years ago, and haven't bought another Christmas cookie mag since. I think that now's the time to buy. That's no need for another mag when she's got every cookie you'll ever think of, and tons more. The new one has pictures of the cookies in the table of contents and the index. How cool is that? And while I'm there, I'll pick up a gift card for my friend's daughter's gift. I was going to buy her some books, but I think it would be fun for her to select her own.

I got a surprise last night. Jerry got me a Christmas gift. The guy tells me not to get him anything but that doesn't mean that he wouldn't get me something. There lies the loophole. And when I asked him again what he wants, he said nothing. What the hell? I'll have to think fast. He already bought for himself the thing I wanted to buy for him. Men. You're just difficult.

Well, I shall get dressed and get out to the bookstore. I just hope I don't go crazy and buy books too. Hmm, maybe I'll go back to Sur La Table and do some shopping there as well?


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